Sunday, March 6, 2011

My next BIG project.

One morning last fall I was driving to an out of town meeting, when I noticed windows being replaced in an old Victorian.  I saw two of these beautiful arched windows sitting and waiting to be just  thrown away (can you even believe that?!), so I turned my car around and asked if I could have them.  I was even willing to pay, but they were free and the nice man even helped load them in my car. What a find!  It will probably be several months before I get one completed. I have several ideas ... the possibilities are endless!  I can’t wait for nice weather to start, so I can clean them up and start creating!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Each year in celebration of this special day, we prepare a Seusstacular lunch for Sebby. This year’s Seusstacluar lunch included Green Egg and Ham, Butter Battle Bread, Who Hash (yogurt), One Fish Two Fish (Pepperidge farms cheddar and graham cracker flavor fish), Cat Hats (sliced strawberries and cucumbers) and Yink Drink (low carb Kool-Aid).  Sebby reports he had a Seusstastic day at school today and his favorite part was lunch; in particular the green egg and ham!