Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hoo’s Ready to Party!?

 Sebby is having a campout for his 9th birthday this year.  We decided we would like to incorporate some owls into the party decorations. 

We Googled to and found super easy – super cute  owls!   The only supplies we would need (cardboard tubes, paint, glue, wiggly eyes, and fun paper) were ones we already had – bonus!   We had a great time creating each one and were tickled with how our owl family turned out!  Take a peek. 

We began by cutting our cardboard to size, then folding in one
end so that two little owl ears popped up.  We painted each owl a
 different color and glued eyes on. Next we cut yellow triangles for
beaks and leaf shapes for wings.
The fun part was choosing which wings to use on which owl. 
The color and pattern combinations made them look extra festive.

Last we glued on their tiny beaks and their wings
and they are ready to find a place to perch for the party.

Our little owls actually turned out to be a perfect solution for a dilemma we had.  I recently pruned a sand cherry tree in our backyard where the party will be and I got a little more than a little carried away, as all that is there now are a bunch of sticks coming out of the ground and just a few leaves.   These colorful owls make the sand cherry look a lot better.

We're hoo's ready for a party!