Sunday, October 2, 2011

Happy October!

Joe was away for a couple days last week, so Sebby and I thought it would be a good time to get started on our annual Halloween crafting.  On Monday evening, we journeyed down to our arts & crafts supply depot in the basement to see what we could find. We happily came across some vintage roofing slate Joe picked up for us a couple years ago. Sebby has been wanting to try his hand at painting slate for a while, so we decide to paint Halloween scenes on slate.  Sebby did a great job on this project and we had a really nice time working on it.  Our “art time” is some of the best together times… just Sebby and Mommy.

Here is Sebby with the 'blank slate' he is
about to repurpose into its new life as ART!

Sebby was planning an outer space background,
so he began by painting his entire slate black. 
I liked how it looked, so I did the same to mine.
The next day, after the black paint was dry,
we sketched our designs and began to paint.

After painting, we added some finishing
touches with colored pencil.

Finished slate- an Alien sucking up Halloween 
Pumpkins into his space ship (very original). 
He really did a great job, huh?!

Last, here is mine- traditional. :-)

Thanks for stopping by Imagi-creation! 
Happy October!
-Sebby & Tina

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Party Sign

I have always wanted to make a sign like this and the camping
 birthday party seemed to be just the right fit.  All it took
was some scrap wood, a husband willing to cut it to size,
 some paint and screws to hold it together. The party was
over a week ago and we still have the sign up. 
We love how it turned out with all of its bright colors. 
Not sure what we are going to do with it now.
  Maybe be a garden ornament??

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hoo’s Ready to Party!?

 Sebby is having a campout for his 9th birthday this year.  We decided we would like to incorporate some owls into the party decorations. 

We Googled to and found super easy – super cute  owls!   The only supplies we would need (cardboard tubes, paint, glue, wiggly eyes, and fun paper) were ones we already had – bonus!   We had a great time creating each one and were tickled with how our owl family turned out!  Take a peek. 

We began by cutting our cardboard to size, then folding in one
end so that two little owl ears popped up.  We painted each owl a
 different color and glued eyes on. Next we cut yellow triangles for
beaks and leaf shapes for wings.
The fun part was choosing which wings to use on which owl. 
The color and pattern combinations made them look extra festive.

Last we glued on their tiny beaks and their wings
and they are ready to find a place to perch for the party.

Our little owls actually turned out to be a perfect solution for a dilemma we had.  I recently pruned a sand cherry tree in our backyard where the party will be and I got a little more than a little carried away, as all that is there now are a bunch of sticks coming out of the ground and just a few leaves.   These colorful owls make the sand cherry look a lot better.

We're hoo's ready for a party! 

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Weaver's Rock

I had intentions of “posting” at least on a monthly basis when we started this blog, but life happens and it doesn’t give as much time to create art as we would like.  I finished project rock today. It is a commissioned piece that I needed to get finished BEFORE I begin working on MY window.    Sebby is also working on some painted “Pet Rocks”.  Hopefully he will be finished soon and we will be able to post pics of those. 

        This was how it looked to start with; rather colorless.  
Base-coat; a more interesting rock to paint on.

Some flowers and the beginning of a hummingbird.

Close-up of hummingbird (finished).
The finished rock.  I hope the Weaver's like it. :-)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My next BIG project.

One morning last fall I was driving to an out of town meeting, when I noticed windows being replaced in an old Victorian.  I saw two of these beautiful arched windows sitting and waiting to be just  thrown away (can you even believe that?!), so I turned my car around and asked if I could have them.  I was even willing to pay, but they were free and the nice man even helped load them in my car. What a find!  It will probably be several months before I get one completed. I have several ideas ... the possibilities are endless!  I can’t wait for nice weather to start, so I can clean them up and start creating!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Each year in celebration of this special day, we prepare a Seusstacular lunch for Sebby. This year’s Seusstacluar lunch included Green Egg and Ham, Butter Battle Bread, Who Hash (yogurt), One Fish Two Fish (Pepperidge farms cheddar and graham cracker flavor fish), Cat Hats (sliced strawberries and cucumbers) and Yink Drink (low carb Kool-Aid).  Sebby reports he had a Seusstastic day at school today and his favorite part was lunch; in particular the green egg and ham!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentine's Day Box

Our first project we are sharing is Sebby’s Valentine’s Day Box.  He did a wonderful job with it and I am so proud of him!  He designed it himself, with very minimal help from mom.  The characters on the box are Jim Henson’s “Hoobs”, a popular children’s program in the UK.  He painted the box to mirror the Motoretttes characters from the Hoobs.  The pictures we are displaying here aren’t the highest quality because I took them on my phone. Sebby is on the mend from an ear infection right now and we leave for vacation on Monday night, so there probably won't be any art making for a couple weeks.  I'm guessing though, that our next project will be something Disney! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!