Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentine's Day Box

Our first project we are sharing is Sebby’s Valentine’s Day Box.  He did a wonderful job with it and I am so proud of him!  He designed it himself, with very minimal help from mom.  The characters on the box are Jim Henson’s “Hoobs”, a popular children’s program in the UK.  He painted the box to mirror the Motoretttes characters from the Hoobs.  The pictures we are displaying here aren’t the highest quality because I took them on my phone. Sebby is on the mend from an ear infection right now and we leave for vacation on Monday night, so there probably won't be any art making for a couple weeks.  I'm guessing though, that our next project will be something Disney! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. We got your postcard today--Thank you for thinking of us. :) Your blog will be great fun for you guys, I'm sure. And great job on the Valentine box, Sebastian! :) 'Hope your vacation was great and that you're over your ear infection too. I used to get them all the time--Ow! Love, Val :)
